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Хотите сообщить о последних новостях или новых идеях? Дерзайте!", "channel_is_online": "Канал вышел в эфир", "channel_m": "канал", "liked_your": "понравился ваш", "comment_response": "ответил на ваш", "comment_m": "комментарий", "show_all_notifications": "Показать все", "show_all_users": "Показать всех", "or": "или", "back_to_register": "Вернуться к регистрации", "promo_subtext": "Универсальная платформа для интернет-ТВ", "menu": "Меню", "folder_size": "Занятое место на диске", "length": "Продолжительность", "filesize": "Размер", "balance_top_up": "Пополнить баланс", "goes_converting": "Идет обработка...", "loading": "Загрузка...", "donates_comment": "Комментарий к донату", "donates_money": "Сумма:", "donates_sum": "Спишется:", "donates_to": "Донат для канала", "donates_goto": "Перейти на Яндекс.деньги", "donates_info": "Теперь вы можете принимать пожертвования от фанатов вашего канала.", "donates_none": "Пока что у вас нет донатов", "donates_list": "Список донатов", "donates_on": "Включить донаты", "donates_ymid": "Номер вашего кошелька на Яндекс.деньгах", "donates_request": "Запросить вывод денег", "donates_request_list": "Заявки на вывод денег", "donates_request_not_ready": "В процессе обработки", "donates_request_ready": "Перевод выполнен", "donates_request_sum": "Сумма", "donates_request_ready_date": "Дата перевода денег", "donates_request_nomoney": "Ошибка: нет средств для вывода", "donates_request_success": "Создана заявка на вывод суммы:", "videos_place": "Занято", "preview_video": "Предпросмотр", "paid_channels": "Платные каналы", "paid_till": "Оплачено до", "paid_withdrawal": "Вывод денег", "to_withdraw": "К выплате", "paid_control": "Управление платными подписками", "paid_make": "Сделать канал платным", "paid_subscribers": "Подписавшиеся на Ваш канал", "paid_channels_all": "Все каналы с платной подпиской", "paid_channels_your": "Ваши подписки", "paid_channel": "Данный телеканал - платный", "paid_extend": "Продлить", "paid_subscribe": "Подписаться", "paid_sum": "Цена просмотра -", "paid_roubles_in_month": "рублей в месяц", "paid_term_select": "Выберите срок оплаты", "paid_success": "Успешно оплачено", "paid_error": "Ошибка оплаты", "payment_window_title_1": "Оплата за просмотр канала", "payment_window_title_2": "Цена -", "will_be_paid_till": "Будет оплачено до", "to_pay": "К оплате -", "pay": "Оплатить", "go_to_payment": "Перейти к оплате", "paid_insufficient": "Недостаточно денег на вашем аккаунте", "paid_login": "Войдите, чтобы оплатить" }, "en": { "_language_name": "English", "global":{ "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", "delete": "Delete", "deleted": "Deleted", "edit": "Edit", "cancel": "Cancel", "save": "Save", "saved": "Saved", "added": "Added", "nothing_found": "Not found", "ok": "OK", "copy": "Copy", "move": "Move", "next": "Next", "skip": "Skip", "add": "Add", "back_to_main": "Back to main", "show_more": "Show more", "error": "Error" }, "weekdays_short":{ "1": "PN", "2": "W", "3": "MS", "4": "Thu", "5": "PT", "6": "SB", "7": "Sun" }, "errors":{ "401": "Access error", "no_parameters": "Error: not all parameters passed", "item_not_found": "Error: item not found", "fields_empty": "Error: not all fields filled in", "field_required": "Fill out this field", "channel_is_banned": "Error: this channel is blocked", "wrong_channel_type": "Error: this method is unavailable for this type of channels", "fill_all_fields": "Fill all fields", "write_admin": " " }, "landing":{ "headers":[ { "h": "Create your own online TV or radio", "s": "A unique media platform for all", "b": "About the platform" } ] }, "auth":{ "login": "Login", "register": "Register", "logout": "Logout", "profile": "Profile", "settings": "Settings", "dashboard": "Dashboard", "studio": "Broadcast studio", "username": "Username", "password": "Password", "login_social": "Login using social networks", "auth_button": "Login / Register", "login_button": "Login", "register_button": "Register", "old_password": "Old password", "new_password": "New password", "repeat_password": "Repeat password", "passwords_not_match": "Passwords do not match", "login_success": "Successful login", "login_fail": "Error. credentials do not match", "login_empty": "Error. 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We automatically created a login for you, but you can change it.", "text_password": "Now you can login using a social network, but if you want to be able to login with password - you can enter it right now." }, "user":{ "_errors":{ "username_taken": "This username is already taken", "username":{ "required": "Enter a username" }, "password":{ "min": "Password must contain at least 7 symbols", "alpha_dash": "Password can contain only numbers and Latin symbols", "required": "Password is required" }, "password_short": "Password must contain at least 7 symbols", "password_alphanumeric": "Password can contain only numbers and Latin symbols", "password_match": "Passwords do not match" } } }, "comments":{ "title": "Comments", "show_all": "Show all", "edited_at": "edited", "newest": "New first", "oldest": "Old first", "most_popular": "Popular first", "most_commented": "Discussed first", "attach_picture": "Attach a picture", "attach_video": "Attach a video", "send": "Send", "edit": "Edit", "save": "Save", "delete": "Delete", "restore": "Restore", "comment_deleted": "Comment deleted", "comment_restored": "Comment restored", "comment_added": "Comment added", "comment_saved": "Comment saved", "reply": "Reply", "_errors":{ "enter_text": "Error: enter text", "parent_comment_not_found": "Error: parent comment not found", "you_are_banned": "You are banned on this channel" } }, "likes":{ "title": "Like", "show_all": "Show all" }, "search":{ "_title": "Search", "search_text": "Search...", "nothing_found": "Nothing found", "found": "Found | Found | Found | Found", "go_to_results": "Show all results", "found_number":{ "channels": "{n} channels| {n} channel | {n} channels | {n} channels", "radio": "{n} radio | {n} radio | {n} radio | {n} radio", "videos": "{n} videos | {n} video | {n} videos | {n} videos", "records": "{n} records | {n} record | {n} records | {n} records", "users": "{n} users | {n} user | {n} users | {n} users", "projects": "{n} projects | {n} project | {n} projects | {n} projects" }, "types":{ "channels": "Channels", "radio": "Radio stations", "videos": "Videos", "records": "Audio records", "users": "Users", "projects": "Projects" } }, "fields_empty": "Not all fields filled in", "upload":{ "select": "Select", "_errors":{ "no_file_input": "No file passed", "upload_error": "Upload error", "format_wrong": "This format is not supported. 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Reason:", "tabs":{ "all": "All", "tv": "TV", "radio": "Radio" }, "page_types":{ "main": "Dashboard", "scheduler": "Scheduler", "studio": "Broadcast studio" }, "create":{ "_title": "Create channel", "type":{ "_title": "Channel type", "tv": "TV", "radio": "Radio" }, "name":{ "_title": "Channel name", "_description": "Enter a unique name" }, "shortname":{ "_title": "Address", "_description": "A short link to channel" }, "description":{ "_title": "Description", "_description": "Describe your channel" }, "tags":{ "_title": "Tags", "_description": "Keywords for your channel" }, "logo": "Logo", "button_text": "Next", "_errors":{ "name.required": "Enter channel name", "shortname.required": "Enter channel address", "shortname.unique": "This address is already taken" } }, "leave":{ "confirm": "Do you want to leave channel team?", "_messages":{ "left": "You left the channel team", "returned": "You returned to the channel team" } }, "links":{ "main": "Main", "info": "Info", "premium": "Premium", "broadcast": "Broadcast", "design": "Design", "team": "Team", "donate": "Donates", "banlist": "Ban list", "videos": "Videos", "tracks": "Tracks", "announces": "Announces", "projects": "Projects" }, "info":{ "_title": "Info", "common":{ "_title": "Common info", "name": "Channel name", "shortname": "Address", "description": "Description", "tags": "Tags", "links":{ "_title": "Links to sites and social networks", "link_name": "Link name", "link_address": "Link address", "add_link": "Add link", "delete_link": "Delete link" } }, "content":{ "_title": "Content settings", "show_offline": "Show channel on main page in autopilot mode", "has_adult_content": "The channel broadcasts adult content", "allow_comments": "Allow comments on channel page", "show_timetable": "Show channel timetable", "set_password": "Set password", "password": "Password" }, "chat":{ "_title": "Chat settings", "chat_motd": "MOTD", "allow_guests": "Allow guests" }, "delete":{ "button_text": "Delete channel", "confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the channel? You will be able to restore it later, but the records will be automatically deleted after 1 day." }, "_errors":{ "shortname.unique": "This address is already taken by another channel", "shortname_unique": "This address is already taken by another channel" }, "_messages":{ "channel_deleted": "Channel deleted", "channel_restored": "Channel restored" } }, "broadcast":{ "_title": "Broadcast", "settings":{ "_title": "Record settings", "records_visible": "Publish records in open access", "record_all": "Record all live streams" }, "list":{ "text": "These are credentials for broadcasting from external encoders (OBS, Wirecast, XSplit). If you want instructions for them go here.", "radio_text": "These are credentials for broadcasting from external encoders (RadioBOSS and others)", "title_rtmp": "RTMP URL", "title_key": "Stream key", "title_radio_server": "Server URL", "title_radio_key": "Password", "optimal": "Least loaded at the moment", "get_new_key": "Get a new key" } }, "team":{ "_title": "Channel team", "select_username": "Enter a username", "add_user": "Add user", "position": "Position (not necessary)", "edit_member": "Edit", "waiting_for_confirmation": "Waiting for confirmation", "user_is_channel_admin": "Give full access", "select_individual_rights": "Give access to separate sections", "_messages":{ "user_added_to_team": "User added to team", "user_deleted_from_team": "User deleted from team" }, "_errors":{ "user_not_found": "Error: user not found", "enter_rights": "Error: enter a list of rights", "user_has_blocked_channel": "Error: user has blocked requests from this channel", "user_has_blocked_you": "Error: user has blocked requests from you" }, "rights_info":{ "moder": "Monitors the purity of the channel: can ban and unban users and guests.", "poster": "Adds news and announcements.", "broadcaster": "Has access to a broadcasting Studio, can go online and make a program guide." }, "rights_info_block":[ { "name": "moder", "title": "Moderator", "description": "Monitors the purity of the channel: can ban and unban users and guests." }, { "name": "broadcaster", "title": "Broadcaster", "description": "Has access to a broadcasting Studio, can make and make a program guide." }, { "name": "poster", "title": "Journalist", "description": "Adds news and announcements." } ], "rights": { "no": "No", "limited": "Yes", "full": "Full access" }, "full_access_text": "Full access gives the user right to edit and delete another members' materials, not only his own." }, "banlist":{ "_title": "Ban list", "select_user": "Enter a username", "add_user": "Block", "select_ip_address": "Enter IP", "add_ip_address": 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Choose what to do with them:", "action": "Action", "with_tracks": "Delete with tracks", "move_tracks": "Move tracks to another folder", "move_to": "Move to" }, "_form":{ "edit_track": "Edit track", "title": "Title", "author": "Author", "album": "Album", "tags": "Tags", "description": "Description", "is_public": "Public", "save_track_button": "Save track" }, "_errors":{ "files_only_in_current_playlist": "Error: all files are only in current playlist", "files_only_in_current_folder": "Error: all files are only in current folder", "wrong_format": "Wrong file format" } }, "projects":{ "_title": "Projects", "add": "Add project", "back_to_list": "Back to projects list", "name": "Name", "description": "Description", "promo_id": "Promo video for the project page", "select_video": "Select video...", "tabs":{ "info": "Info", "design": "Design" }, "delete_project":{ "_title": "Delete project", "_text": "Are you sure you want to delete this project?" }, "_errors":{ "enter_name": "Enter project name", "enter_links_info": "Enter links information or delete them" }, "_messages":{ "project_added": "Project added", "project_saved": "Project saved", "project_deleted": "Project deleted" }, "links":{ "_title": "Links to sites and social networks of projects", "link_name": "Link name", "link_address": "Link address", "add_link": "Add link", "delete_link": "Delete link" } }, "premium":{ "_title": "Paid functions", "price_in_month": "roubles in months", "package_active_till": "Active till:", "package_buy": "Buy", "package_extend": "Extend", "package_purchase": "Buying a package", "select_months": "Select months count", "your_balance": "Your balance", "currency": "roubles", "total_price": "Total price", "settings": "Settings", "months":{ "1": "1 months", "3": "3 months", "6": "6 months", "12": "1 year" }, "insufficient_balance": "Insufficient balance", "balance_top_up": "Top up", "_errors":{ "no_package_with_id": "Error: wrong package ID", "wrong_months": "Error: wrong months count", "insufficient_balance": "Error: insufficient balance" }, "_messages":{ "success_paid": "Successfully paid" } }, "donates":{ "_title": "Donates", "info": "Info", "is_on": "Donates on", "wallet_settings": "Wallet settings", "wallet_type": "Wallet type", "wallet_id": "Wallet ID", "minimal_sum": "Minimal donate sum", "visibility_settings": "Visibility settings", "show_in_player": "Show alerts in player", "minimal_visible_sum": "Minimal sum for showing alerts", "accept_from_guests": "Accept donates from guests", "show_last_donates": "Show last donates on the channel's page", "donate_comment": "Donates block header", "button_text": "Donates button text", "tabs":{ "list": "Last donates", "goals": "Goals", "withdrawal_requests": "Withdrawal requests", "settings": "Settings" }, "_errors":{ "minimal_sum":{ "min": "Minumal donate sum should be >= 0" } }, "goals":{ "add_new": "Add a new goal", "edit": "Edit goal", "title": "Goal name", "comment": "Description for users", "sum": "Sum", "is_active": "Is active", "make_active": "Make active", "delete": "Remove goal", "delete_confirm": "Are you sure?", "button_text": "Text on button", "_errors":{ "title":{ "required": "Enter a name" }, "sum":{ "numeric": "Sum should be a number", "min": "Sum should be > 0", "max": "Sum should be < 1000000" } } }, "requests":{ "add_new": "Add a new request", "comment": "Comment for admin", "wallet_type": "Wallet type", "wallet_id": "Wallet ID", "sum": "Sum", "delete": "Delete", "delete_confirm": "are you sure You want to remove this application?", "max_sum": "the Maximum available amount:", "wallets":{ "yandex": "Yandex", "bank_card": "Bank card" }, "_errors":{ "sum":{ "valid": "the Sum is greater than the maximum available", "min": "Amount must be greater than 0", "max": "Amount should be less than 1000000" } }, "statuses":{ "waiting_for_response": "pending", "rejected": "Rejected", "ready": "Ready" } } }, "videos":{ "_title": "Video", "back": "Ago", "title": "Name", "description": "Description", "invisible": "Hidden", "show_author": "Show in your video", "add_videos": "Add a video", "add_folder": "Add folder", "add_files": "Add files", "external_address": "Enter Youtube/VK address", "start_upload": "Start the download", "auto_upload": "Automatic download", "converting": "Processing", "external_uploading": "Loading", "folder": "Folder:", "default_folder": "Default folder", "in_queue": "In queue", "sort": { "_title": "Sort", "date_desc": "Newest", "date_asc": "Oldest", "views_desc": "Most viewed" }, "_tabs":{ "local": "With the device", "external": "The link" }, "delete":{ "_title": "Remove video", "_text": "Are you sure you want to remove this video?" }, "folders":{ "title": "The name of the folder", "invisible": "Video are hidden by default", "confirm_deletion": "Are you sure you want to delete this folder? Video will be moved up 1 level.", "_errors":{ "enter_title": "Error: enter a name for the folder" }, "_messages":{ "folder_saved": "The folder is saved", "folder_deleted": "Folder is deleted" } }, "_errors":{ "external_unsupported_service": "Unsupported service", "enter_title": "Error: enter the name of the video", "not_enough_space": "There is not enough space on the disk channel", "upload":{ "file_not_found": "The downloaded file is not found on the server. Try again", "not_enough_space": "There is not enough space on the disk channel", "wrong_file_type": "The video format is not recognized", "wrong_external_video": "Video is not available for download or not found" } }, "_messages":{ "video_saved": "Videos saved", "video_deleted": "Video removed", "video_added": "Videos added", "video_sent_to_converting": "The video is sent for processing", "videos_mass_moved": "Video moved", "videos_mass_deleted": "Video removed" }, "actions":{ "move_to_folder": "Move", "delete": "Remove" }, "mass_delete":{ "_title": "Delete multiple videos", "_text": "Are you sure you want to delete {number} videos?" }, "mass_move":{ "_title": "Move video", "select_folder": "Select the folder", "main_folder": "Main folder" }, "dragover_title": "Drag video(s) here" }, "chat": { "_title": "Chat", "custom_smiles": { "_title": "Your own smiles", "_description": "You can add {n} own smiles (stickers) for 1 channel" }, "bots": { "_title":"Chat bots", "_description":"Bots are your helpers in the chat. They can talk or entertain viewers of your channel.", "confirm_code_info":"Confirmation code:", "name":"The name of the bot", "callback_url":"URL to which requests will be sent", "is_public":"Add to the public bots directory", "description":"Description for the catalog of bots", "deactivate":"Deactivate", "activate":"Activate", "add_to_channel":"Add to the channel", "delete_from_channel":"Remove from the channel", "add_new":"Add a new bot", "add_from_catalog":"Add a bot from the directory", "catalog":"Bots directory", "request_token":"The verification code from the server", "access_token":"Code for making requests", "show_bot_data":"Show the data", "user_bots_page_title":"Your bots", "connected_channels":"The channels that connected the bot", "go_to_help_page":"API help", "_errors":{ "enter_name":"Enter the name of the bot", "wrong_server_response":"Bad response from server" } } } }, "multi_picture_upload": { "select_files": "Выбрать файлы" }, "premium_packages":{ "base_tv":{ "_name": "Base (TV)", "_description": "50 GB of space for video" }, "extended_tv":{ "_name": "Advanced (TV)", "_description": "100 GB of space for video" }, "open_stream_tv":{ "_name": "An open stream", "_description": "Direct link to the stream (.m3u8)", "stream_link": "Stream URL", "stream_password": "Stream password" }, "base_radio":{ "_name": "Basic (radio)", "_description": "5 GB of space for audio" } }, "rights":{ "names":{ "admin": "Admin", "owner": "Owner", "author": "Owner", "poster": "Journalist", "moder": "Moderator", "broadcaster": "Broadcaster" } }, "settings":{ "_title": "Settings", "personal":{ "_title": "Profile" }, "notifications":{ "_title": "Notice" }, "privacy":{ "_title": "Privacy policy", "page":{ "_title": "Who can view your page", "_options":{ "all_users": "All users", "friends_only": "Only friends" } }, "feed":{ "_title": "Who can write in your feed", "_options":{ "all_users": "All users", "friends_only": "Only friends", "only_you": "Only you" } }, "messages":{ "_title": "Who can write personal messages to you", "_options":{ "all_users": "All users", "friends_only": "Only friends" } } }, "blacklist":{ "_title": "Blacklist" }, "paid":{ "_title": "Paid features" }, "social":{ "_title": "Integration with social networks" }, "restore":{ "_title": "Repair", "deleted_channels": "Remote channels", "left_channels": "The channels from which you came", "restore_channel": "Restore the channel", "get_back": "Return to the channel" }, "password":{ "_title": "Passwords", "old_password": "Old password (leave empty if registered using social networks)", "new_password": "New password", "repeat_password": "Repeat password", "_errors":{ "too_short": "Error: password needs to be at least 7 chars long", "do_not_match": "Error: passwords do not match", "old_password_wrong": "Error: wrong old password" } } }, "blacklist":{ "_title": "Blacklist", "success_added": "The user added to the blacklist", "success_deleted": "User removed from blacklist", "_errors":{ "no_such_user": "Error: user not found", "no_id_or_username": "Error: ID or login not passed", "already_in_blacklist": "Error: This user already in your blacklist", "self_ban": "Error: you are trying to ban yourself :)" } }, "connections":{ "success_confirm": "Account connection successfully confirmed", "confirmation_sent": "Link to confirm your account was sent", "restore_sent": "Link to recover your account was sent", "user_restored": "Your account has been restored!", "_errors":{ "no_such_code": "Error: invalid verification code", "code_expired": "Error: this code has already been confirmed", "wrong_params": "Error: incorrect parameters", "already_logged_in": "Error: you are already logged in to your account", "user_not_found": "Error: user not found", "connected_user_already_exists": "A user with the same value already exists" }, "social":{ "_description": "After you've connected your accounts you will be able to login via these social networks.", "connect": "Snap", "disconnect": "Detach", "success_disconnected": "Account disconnected" }, "bots":{ "_title": "Chat bots", "_description": "Using these bots you can receive event notifications on the website or know about the latest updates.", "telegram": "Telegram bot", "vk": "VK bot" }, "email":{ "_title": "E-mail", "_description": "Tie your email for quick password recovery and receive notifications.", "enter_email": "Enter e-mail", "send_confirmation": "Send confirmation", "change_email": "Change", "enter_correct_email": "Enter a valid e-mail", "confirm_header": "Confirmation of the binding email to the account", "confirm_text": "You requested a binding of a e-mail address to your account at catcast.tv. For confirmation click the link below:", "confirm_button": "Confirm", "restore_header": "Account recovery", "restore_text": "You send the request to restore your account catcast.tv. For confirmation click the link below:", "restore_button": "Confirm" } }, "notifications":{ "_title": "Subscribe for updates", "list_title": "The last notification", "page_title": "Notice", "subscribe": "Subscribe to updates", "subscribe_save": "Save subscription", "subscribe_button": "Subscribe", "unsubscribe_button": "Unsubscribe from updates", "deleted": "Removed", "restore": "Restore", "show_all": "Show all", "_messages":{ "success_deleted": "Notice removed", "success_restored": "Notice restored" }, "channels":{ "_title": "What to send", "_types":{ "email": "Mail", "telegram": "Telegram", "vk": "VK", "broadcast": "Notice on the website" } }, "subtypes":{ "_title": "Events" }, "types":{ "_title": "Event type", "profile":{ "_title": "Event profile", "_subtypes":{ "permission_request": "A request to add to the team channel", "friends_request": "New friend request", "friends_request_accepted": "Application to friends adopted", "new_message": "New private message", "feed_post": "A new 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"program_is_online":{ "_title": " already online!", "_button_text": "Go to channel", "text_1": "Channel", "text_2": "started the program to which you previously subscribed:" }, "friends_request":{ "_title": "New friend request", "full_title": "New friend request from the user", "text_1": "A user with the nickname", "text_2": "sent you a friend request.", "_button_text": "Review all applications", "text_common_friends": "mutual friends:", "text_common_channels": "shared channels:", "text_common_friends_and_other": "other users", "text_common_channels_and_other": "other channels" }, "friends_request_accepted":{ "_title": "Application to friends adopted", "full_title": "accepted your friend request", "text_1": "A user with the nickname", "text_2": "accepted your friend request.", "_button_text": "Go to list of your friends" } } }, "billing":{ "_title":[ ], "your_balance": "Your balance", "currency": "RUB", "recharge": "Refill", "select_recharge_provider": "Select Deposit method", 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Make sure that you provided access to your microphone and camera", "delete_scene_text": "Are you sure you want to remove this scene?", "add_scene": "Add a scene", "scene_name": "Name", "save_scenes": "Save", "load_scenes": "Load", "need_save_scenes": "Save the current set of scenes?", "add_scenes_list": "Add a set of scenes", "load_scenes_list": "Download", "scenes_list_name": "Name", "confirm_scenes_list_deletion": "Are you sure?", "sources":{ "_title": "Sources", "add_new": "Add a new source", "type": "Type", "camera":{ "_title": "Web camera" }, "playlist":{ "_title": "Playlist", "_sections":{ "main": "" } }, "video_conference":{ "_title": "Videoconference", "initialize": "Get the link", "own_camera": "Show your own camera", "invite": "Invite", "layout_types": { "fit": "Поместить", "fill_screen": "Fill screen", "big_remote": "Conversation member's video full-screen", "big_local": "Your video full-screen" }, "_sections":{ "main": "" }, "you": "You", "focus_1": "Focus 1", "focus_2": "Focus 2", "waiting_for_users": "Waiting for connections" }, "screen_capture":{ "_title": "Display screen", "show_cursor": "Show the cursor" }, "_sections":{ "volume": "The volume", "size": "Dimensions" }, "_fields":{ "volume": "The volume", "own_size": "Change the size", "size_x": "X size", "size_y": "Y size", "x": "X position", "y": "Y position" } }, "loading":{ "devices": "Download audio and video devices..." }, "settings":{ "_title": "Settings", "size_x": "Video width", "size_y": "Height of the video", "fps": "Frames per second" }, "devices":{ "audio": "Audio device", "video": "Video device" }, "overlays":{ "_title": "Layers" }, "_tabs":{ "library": "Library", "overlays": "Effects and layers", "sources": "Sources" }, "not_supported": { "_title": "Not supported device", "_text": "Your device currently does not support live broadcasts from the browser :( Maybe the situation will be fixed later.", "back": "Back" }, "effects":{ "simpletext":{ "_title": "Plain text", "_description": "Text overlay", "_sections":{ "main": "Main", "font": "Font", "shadow": "Shadow" }, "_fields":{ "x": "X", "y": "Y", "text": "Text", "color": "Color", "font_size": "The font size", "font_name": "Headset", "shadow_on": "Enable shadow", "shadow_color": "The color of the shadow", "shadow_blur": "Blur the shadow", "shadow_offset_x": "The horizontal offset", "shadow_offset_y": "The vertical offset" } }, "simplemarquee":{ "_title": "Ticker", "_description": "Text overlay", "_sections":{ "main": "Main", "font": "Font", "shadow": "Shadow" }, "_fields":{ "y": "Position", "speed": "Speed", "text": "Text", "color": "Color", "background": "Background color", "show_background": "Background", "background_opacity": "Transparency", "font_size": "The font size", "font_name": "Headset", "shadow_on": "Enable shadow", "shadow_color": "The color of the shadow", "shadow_blur": "Blur the shadow", "shadow_offset_x": "The horizontal offset", "shadow_offset_y": "The vertical offset" } }, "simplepicture":{ "_title": "Picture", "_description": "Overlay static images", "_sections":{ "main": "Main", "size": "Dimensions" }, "_fields":{ "x": "X", "y": "Y", "picture": "Picture", "own_size": "Change the size", "size_x": "X size", "size_y": "Y size" } }, "simpleclock":{ "_title": "Clock", "_description": "Display the current time on the screen" }, "simplefilters":{ "_title": "Filters", "_description": "Set of filters for video" } }, "library":{ "_title": "Effects library", "add": "Add", "add_new_overlay": "Add a new layer or effect", "edit_overlay": "Edit the layer or effect", "title": "Name", "confirm_deletion": "Are you sure you want to remove an effect from the library?", "delete_overlay": "Remove a layer or effect", "_messages":{ "success_added": "Effect added", "success_edited": "The effect of the modified", "success_deleted": "Effect removed" }, "nothing_found":{ "_title": "Nothing found", "_text": "Click on the button above to add a new effect" } } }, "donates":{ "modal_title": "Donates", "default_header": "Donates", "default_button_text": "Support the channel", "provider": "Payment system", "withdraw_from_account": "Internal website account", "sum": "Amount", "comment": "Review", "guest_user_name": "Your name", "insufficient_balance": "Insufficient funds in the account", "balance_top_up": "Replenish the balance", "payment_header": "Donates", "will_be_withdrawn": "Will be withdrawn:", "user_guest_name": "Your name", "user_email": "Your email", "go_to_payment": "Pay", "minimal_sum": "The minimum amount", "sum_less_than_minimal": "The amount is less than the minimum", "button_text": "The text on the button", "_messages":{ "redirecting": "Redirecting to the payment system...", "success_donate": "Thank you! Your payment is transferred to the author of the channel" }, "_errors":{ "insufficient_balance": "Error: insufficient funds in the account", "login_to_use_account": "Error: login to use the account", "wrong_provider": "Error: incorrect payment system", "no_guests": "Error: the donates from guests are forbidden", "enter_name": "Error: enter name", "enter_correct_email": "Error: please Enter a valid email", "sum_less_than_minimal": "Error: amount is less than the minimum", "sum":{ "numeric": "Amount must be a number", "min": "Amount must be greater than 0", "max": "The amount should be less than 1000000" } } }, "announces":{ "title": "Announcements", "only_live": "Only live", "show_all": "All", "show_only_from_favorite": "Subscriptions", "show_from_time": "Choose the time", "load_more": "Load more" }, "editor":{ "enter_text": "Enter the text..." }, "videos":{ "title": "Video", "feed": "Subscriptions", "recommended": "Recommendations", "popular": "Popular", "now_watching": "Now look", 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Soon the administration will contact you", "saved": "Sent. Soon the administration will contact you", "message_sent": "The message is sent" } }, "admin":{ "channels":{ "id": "ID", "shortname": "URL", "name": "Name", "space_occupied": "Space occupied", "ban": "Ban", "unban": "Unban", "ban_reason": "The reason for the ban" }, "users":{ "id": "ID", "username": "Username", "last_seen": "Came", "balance": "Balance", "channels": "Channels", "mail": "write", "top_up_balance": "Replenish the balance", "balance_sum": "Amount" }, "donate_requests":{ "_title": "Applications for withdrawal", "user": "User:", "user_comment": "User comment:", "sum": "Withdrawal amount:", "approve": "Confirm the withdrawal", "decline": "Reject", "admin_comment": "Review" }, "tabs":{ "servers": "Server status", "channels": "Channels", "users": "Users", "support": "Support", "donates": "Donates", "languages": "Translation" } }, "about": { "_title": "About", "_text": "Catcast is a media platform for live broadcasting, linear TV, web radio and podcasts.", "vk_group": "Group on VK.com: ", "contact_email": "Contact mail: ", "help_page": "Help and documentation: ", "in_development": "Coming soon" }, "welcome_modal": { "_title": "Welcome back", "_text": "MyOwnTV is now at a new address - catcast.tv." } } }